[Question] SBDC083 Sumo warranty manual typo… Fake watch?
I recently received my SBDC083 Sumo from the eBay seller “Japan’s watch shop”. They have a lot of positive reviews and sold items, so I took a chance on them.
Upon inspection and photo comparison, I didn’t seem to find any indications of the Watch being a fake, even though it was my first time even holding a Sumo.
But when I looked through the supplied manual/warranty booklet, I noticed the back had a very erroneous spelling of ‘copyright’, instead spelled ‘copylight’.
The watch and booklet came in what I assume is the new eco friendly, off white packaging Seiko now supplies on newer watches.
Do any of you own a copy of this manual from a new Seiko? Is this kind of typo typical of Seiko paperwork, Igor could it be indicative of a fake watch?
Any clarification is greatly appreciated, getting faked out after paying so much is a bummer, as you all understand.