Immunizations and diarrhea

2 month immunizations were given 11 days ago. -Following day explosive diarrhea x 1. Like poop everywhere -4 days following inconsolable scream crying episodes lasting up to 2 hours. Baby is colicky but these episodes make his previous episodes look like Childs play. -9 days following - today only BM is diarrhea smelling like rotten eggs, & mucousy. Increased fatigue and ++irritable/inconsolable. Diarrhea typically in the AM and only a couple episodes.

Also possibly teething as sometimes soothed with massaging his gums, increased drooling and chewing on hands.

Babe easy to wake, no signs of dehydration, no fever.

Possible weakened infection from live virus in stool, teething, or am I over thinking it all?

Also I’m very pro vaccines.