Tired of hardcore elain fans

I really tired of the hardcore elain fans

So guys I have been in this fandom since I was 15, now im 22

I love sjm and every single book she's written

Her books helped me distract from melancholia, PTSD and depression I've suffered, they made me smile when i didn't feel anything

Now I dress up, I have dressed up as feyre, Nesta, mor,emerie, Evangeline, Evie, oraya, violet, Jude,

So recently on a post on tiktok where it was said the all elain hate is mysoginy and its disgusting blah blah, i commented hey it's fiction and it really isn't that deep and to touch grass another person replied saying how i should shut my sluty mouth and die (that comment was Removed) but later i have my insta linked in my tiktok bio and this was posted on my emerie cosplay in public where every single friend and family of mine saw it (image 1)

Later I blocked that account and privated my account and this was sent to me (image 2)

This message really hit me hard I can't stop thinking about it, it

Everytime I open my account to pass time i come across atleast one alt account that is cyber bullying on platform or another

Or people randomly being called mysogyintic for not liking elain or abuser for liking tamlin/Rhys/Nesta

I have been on Twitter and literally have seen all elain fans collectively attacking people just because they

1) don't think elain's book is next

2) crackship her with tam/Lucien

3) generally don't like her

They defend elain (not real) by disrespecting an actual real person

Im so tired of this and now I've deleted that app and thinking of deleting this as well

This is an account I made with my other email because I don't want my friends and family to see I'm getting this stuff again

But hardcore elain fans really need to understand that elain is "Not" real

This much obsession to fiction is not healthy please it's okay to think her books isn't next or to ship her with anyone other than Azriel or to just not like her