Does anyone even know the nouns showcase is happening tomorrow (or what it even is?)

There is the nouns showcase event tomorrow with like four different top player ft5s. I just now even saw this was happening tomorrow at 1pm.

Obviously the game isn't at it's peak popularity right now, but it is pretty surprising that I've seen very little mention of an event with ft5s such as Cody vs Zain, June vs Hbox, Moky vs Jmook, Joshman vs Aklo.

Is the problem a lack of advertising/visibility on these events? This reddit thread is up right now "announcing" one of the matches, but it doesn't even mention that it's happening literally tomorrow.

Hate to see this be another ~1.2k viewer event because people don't even know its happening. Same exact thing happened with this Canadian invitational thing from the other week.