Long term herbals low dosage

Anybody taking long term LOW DOSAGE HERBALS ? Did every single protocol the is - antb FODMAP carnivore tudca mmc ikeacoval massage many supplements Pimentel Ruscio siebesker bulsiewish etc .. it works during protocol then comes back / long term FODMAP made me worse .. so what works for me that I’m +- regular , don’t have that sickening bloat is low dosage oregano or Berberine + magnesium on off mmc and I’m able to have Mediterranean diet fruit veg nuts seed legumes in moderation ( carnivore didn’t agree with me ) so just curious if anybody is doing long term herbs without any major side effects or long term damage to the body THANK TOU ( posible root cause - adhesion, scar tissue ,fibroid 5 cm ,even though my gut hell starter after jab covid and food poisoning ) but i get impression is more mechanical as I have a bulge - fecal loading lower right ( mri Ct colono all clear )