Was Your Website Really Hit by the Google March Update?
I’ve been scrolling through a ton of posts here for the past month and it seems like a lot of you think your sites took a hit because of Google’s March update.
Personally, I suspect that majority of these sites with traffic decreases are affected by issues unrelated to the update.
I've already reached out to a few commentor/posters here and have found the actual issues for them and they were not related to the update at all. All of them gave me negative comments and have such a negative attitude .
I'm sure there are sites that were actually negatively affected by the update but I suspect majority of the ones complaining here are not part of them.
If you think your website was negatively affected by the update, would you be able to include what you've looked at and how you came to the conclusion? I'm sure many of the people here can help.
Newest Edit: Everyone's website is apparently destroyed by Google but they can't share the site lol . They would rather let the site die then share it with strangers apparently
Edit: Since someone asked what the point of this post was, it's this:
I don't believe all the people saying they were actually hit by the update. It may be true for some of the people here but since this subreddit is catered to newbies, I believe most of the people complaining are actually affected by other issues.
If you think your site was negatively affected by the update, can you prove it? Can you share you website and why you think it's been hit by the update?
I've already helped a few people find other issues and yet to find some that can share a domain that was affected. I understand people may not want to share their sites, thats fine but I dont see anyone sharing a negatively hit site.