Nails change shape when painted?

I’ve noticed that whenever I paint my nails they get narrower, less flared, and less flat (prettier imo). Hopefully the pics show what I mean.

First photo is 2 coats Olive & June nail strengthener and 3 coats nailtiques formula 2. Second photo is my bare nail. Third pic is my janky, slightly exaggerated drawing of the view of the tip of my finger tips to show the shape change.

I’m currently taking a break between manis and it always feels really weird when I take my polish off and my nails start to widen and flatten. It’s like the sides of the nail plate are pulling on the nail bed.

I’ve always had super thin and soft nails and im wondering if that’s why this happens? I’m getting really into nail polish so I’m doing everything I can to get them strong and thick enough to actually grow past my fingertips without peeling, bending, or breaking. I’m just gonna be slightly bummed if stronger nails mean they don’t change shape like this anymore.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? What’s goin’ on here?