/r/RPClipsGTA's Best of 2020 Awards


Category Winner 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place 5th Place
The bLuE622 Award DaisyGray UberHaxorNova Nakkida aleks s0upes
Streamer of the Year PENTA Jonthebroski UberHaxorNova Kyle s0upes
Roleplayer of the Year Jonthebroski PENTA s0upes UberHaxorNova DaisyGray
New Roleplayer of the Year DaisyGray TravPiper Crystalst ChrisTombstone Viviana
Character of the Year James "Apples" Apeller Denzel Williams Siz Fulker Mike Block Andi Jones
Government Employee of the Year Randy Wrangler Johnny Divine Sam Baas Bobby Smith Jackie Snow
Criminal of the Year Mike Block Siz Fulker Holden D. Block James "Apples" Apeller Four Tee
Civilian of the Year Andi Jones Benjamin Crane Bryce Miller Charlie Jannetty Flop Dugong
Moment of the Year The Last Lean/Denzel's Killing Spree Fireworks at Boe's House Apples' goodbye to August and Louis Zombie Apocalypse server event Judge LaBarre's last day/Airport farewell
Clip of the Year Denzel finally gets to use his c4 Kyle sees Fat Siz Goodbye August Zero- EMS Snipers Bobby describes the breakout crew
Song of the Year The Gambling Man - Ant (DaisyGray) Blue622 Tribute - OTT (LAGTVMaximusBlack) Leanbois Cypher - Tuesday, Ronin, Gio, Bryce, Oliver, Ruby (APPLESHAMPOO, tasara22, TheLGX, lloulou, tyrannical_Icon, Olzoom) Wrangler's Intro - jhanson_art Whatever You Need - BEATDOWNCREW Afro, Jayce, AustinCreed, AvaGG, RatedEpicz
Artwork of the Year Bobby Smith intermission screen - Shuploc and KJOEE88 The Last Supper - woyo_ LB in Mexico - KIKOBRI Baas's Cadet Daycare - ChocoSenpai 150 Gang - skimpaint
Trailer/Intro of the Year Lostbois: The Final Lean Cinematic - PuppetSin Citizens of Los Santos Cinematic - PuppetSin HOA Recess - Hail_no Wrangler's Intro v2 - Dog Man Wrangler's Intro - jhanson_art
SBS Moment of the Year Chase Clouter gets nearly every lawyer in the city as his trial defense. Julio winning a date with Copper at Ant's Date Auction Siz pulls out an LMG at the Mirror Park Gas Station Mike Block's free gun licenses State Announcement Erin moves the Angels stash

Final Blurb

2020 proved to be the year of /r/RPENTAClipsGTA with a PENTA dominating the awards this year. Daisy, Jon, s0upes, and Uber weren't far behind though with many nominations and wins. It was an impressive year for all of them. The closest result of the contest was between Denzel and Apples for character of the year, with Apples nudging Denzel by a measly 7 points (Two more ballots with Denzel 1st and Apples last would have changed the result).

One thing that really sucked about 2020 was the multiple clip purges streamers had to do to avoid twitch's DMCA copystriking, you could see evidence of the destruction it wrought in the nominations and the struggle for many people to find clips of their favorite events. As a clip subreddit, Twitch needs to fix its shit.

Personally, the one result I wish had been different was the Fireworks at Boe's house winning moment of the year, it was the one time we really saw the entire server come together like they did, (besides this past month were everyone came together to kick ESB to the curb lmao).

One last thing for people complaining about the lack of certain groups presence in the awards, remember many users splintered off into other subreddits and stopped participating here so their views were obviously absent when the time came.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you everyone else for participating!

Edit: Post best viewed on old reddit

Edit 2: Fixed links to nominations