F2P Rewards & Integrate Spending Guide for Spenders

Here is the spending guide for the next patch. It is based on the test servers and are subject to change. If you find anything wrong please let me know so I can change it. Thanks!

Spending Guide 2.0

Integrated version mission give us the following for free: (R = Weapon Ticket, Y = Event Construct Ticket)

  • 150 R = spend 800 serum
  • 250 Y = spend 1600 serum
  • 250 Y = spend 4000 serum
  • 100 R = login for 3 days
  • 250 Y = login for 7 days
  • 250 Y = login for 13 days
  • 250 Y/100 R = login 15 days
  • 150 R = PPC stage 6
  • 100 BC = PPC stage 8
  • 250 Y = PPC stage 18
  • 250 Y = Warzone 18

Total = 2350

Extra reward Missions

  • 500 Y = finish enough missions.

Total of 2850 tickets/BC for free as compensation for integrating the 3 versions next patch.

Joey_Read_That has pointed out that the 60 BC is actually from the daily mission for the remaining 2 integrated patches. They probably did not put it with the usual daily mission rewards because they didn't want to change the code.

The integrated version mission seems to have a daily mission that refreshes. If true, then:

  • 60 BC x 42 = 2520 BC

Although there will be a lot more rewards throughout the patch, they were the expected rewards if the versions were not integrated and therefore will not be listed.