Bill Kim was the character I hated the absolute most. To this day, him smiling triggers the shit out of me

For crying out loud, the insufferable, smarmy, self-congratulatory smirk that's perpetually plastered on his bloated, entitled face is enough to make my blood boil, a constant, infuriating reminder of the way he coaststhrough life, dripping with condescension, always playing it cool, always playing the system, always hiding behind the behemoth of a multinational conglomerate that's got his back, and always, always, ALWAYS threatening to steamroll anyone who dares to get in his way, his every pompous, holier-than-thou pronouncement and declaration oozing with a smug, superior, "I-know-better-than-you" attitude that makes me want to scream, to rant, to rave, to tear my hair out in frustration, because, seriously, WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?!

For crying out loud, the insufferable, smarmy, self-congratulatory smirk that's perpetually plastered on his bloated, entitled face is enough to make my blood boil, a constant, infuriating reminder of the way he coaststhrough life, dripping with condescension, always playing it cool, always playing the system, always hiding behind the behemoth of a multinational conglomerate that's got his back, and always, always, ALWAYS threatening to steamroll anyone who dares to get in his way, his every pompous, holier-than-thou pronouncement and declaration oozing with a smug, superior, "I-know-better-than-you" attitude that makes me want to scream, to rant, to rave, to tear my hair out in frustration, because, seriously, WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?!