Bittersweet return 💔
I’ve been waiting quietly for my body to find its rhythm again. Waiting for the sign that things are starting to feel normal after everything that’s happened.
It’s been five weeks and one day since my 17-week baby was taken from me. Five weeks and one day since I said goodbye. The doctor told me not to try again until my first cycle returned, so I waited. I watched the days pass slowly, hoping my body would remember what to do.
Yesterday, I saw a little spotting—a soft hint that something might be happening. Then this morning, it came. My period.
It was a bittersweet moment. Sad, because it’s another reminder of all I’ve lost. But also, quietly comforting. A sign that my body is finding its way back, healing little by little.
Sadness lingers, and I know it always will in some way. But so does hope. And that hope is what will carry me forward. When the time is right, I’ll try again.