If they deport significant enough amounts of illegal immigrants... Who do you think is going to get those jobs?

As far as I (a Canadian) can tell, American employers like illegal immigrants because they can be paid less and treated worse.

(Which is saying something because your employers are allowed to treat you stunningly badly).

But your brand of capitalism down there depends on having low wage workers to keep prices low... And it's not just the minimum wage workers. If illegal immigrants are paid less than minimum wage. Then it is their labour that drives the economy hardest.

Who do you think is going to do those jobs?

Do you really think they'll pay more for those jobs?

I think debtors prisons will make a comeback in the United States. Would you guys stand against that? Would you just let it happen? They'd have to address student loans before doing that. But I really think they'll try it.

And it'll probably get disproportionately enforced at first and then escalate.

Who do you think is going to do those jobs at those wages and at that poor treatment level.....?

Now. Canada does a similar-ish thing with the temporary foreign worker program. Which is a serious problem. But the workers aren't gleefully subjected to working and then having the authorities called on them before payday.

How is North American capitalism going to manage its need to extract more value from workers than is sustainable?

When are human beings going to start being treated like a finite resource rather than a renewable resource?