Trump's sovereign wealth fund is literally socialism.
People have overused the phrase "literally socialism" but there's really no question on this one. You're creating a public fund so that you can invest and get partial or full ownership of businesses, allowing the excess value of those businesses to fund the government. You're removing the private owner - also known as the capitalist, the heart of capitalism - in order to make it state-owned and eliminate the concept of profits.
If you don't have to pay out to private holdings, you have an innate advantage that will only snowball, creating a system where the government eventually outpaces all private ownership through the free market until it eventually eliminates it as a concept.
There's a reason the largest sovereign wealth fund in the world was created by Norway through the nationalization of their oil industry. There's a reason both second and third are China's. This kind of public funding and public ownership is a hallmark of socialism.
I think this is the best idea Trump's ever had, but it's sure confusing why most conservatives aren't fighting the most obvious threat to capitalism the country's ever seen.