The plus side to plus size pregnancy
I know there can be things about plus size pregnancy that suck or make us self-conscious. But here’s a list of things I’ve found that I love that most non-plus size women deal with that I don’t:
I don’t moan and groan all the time about all the extra weight I’m carrying, because I’ve literally gained 7 pounds in 33 weeks. My body is already used to carrying around this weight so I feel pretty much normal!
I don’t have trouble sleeping “with my bump,” because again, I’ve always had a “bump” that I have to deal with when sleeping so it just feels normal to me.
I don’t look swollen in my face, ankles, etc the way women do who gain 30-40 pounds. I recently had someone tell me “I look like a very healthy pregnant lady!” which made me feel good, because I agree! (My BMI is nearly 44, was 42 at conception).
When my bump finally appeared, it didn’t push my belly button out where everyone sees it through my clothes like typically happens with “normal” people.
These are just some of them. What are some of your “plus sides” to plus size pregnancy?!