Advice on clearing my debt.

Hey everyone,

So I’m looking to clear some of my debt and looking for ways to hopefully make it so I’m spending a little less each month.

So basically I have around $3500 of debt from credit and loans and then including my student loan it would be around just south of $20,000. The student loans I’m not really stressed about, im not really stressed to much about any of my debt tbh not in like I don’t care about it way, more of that it’s not causing me stress from lack of finances if that makes sense. I’m making all my monthly payments on time and not having to worry about not having rent, grocers and etc.

I made some stupid decisions by getting items through affirm and fairstone, I was impatient and stupid and just wanted the stuff now because I couldn’t be bothered to wait, I know very stupid and not worth it. I made these purchases when I was still in school and had way less income then I did now and couldn’t be bothered to save. And then I have around $1700 in credit card debt spread across two cards. $500 on one and $1200 on another. I’m making all my payments on time and have a payment history of 100%

Now here’s what I’m looking for, in this past year I have decided I want to take my finances more seriously, I’ve been stupid with my money and spending stupidly. For my personal finances, I don’t have any dependents, leases, or mortgages I have to worry about, my monthly income is around $3680 before taxes, and my monthly expenses is around $1000-$1250 this is including rent, groceries, transportation, and entertainment like streaming services and the such. Now I also do regular side jobs in film but those aren’t all the time and the pay can be anywhere between free or $2000 so I don’t really include that into my budget. What would be some recommendations for paying off this debt quickly? I’m not really looking to pay off my student loans quickly right now, mostly just looking for advice on the credit and loans debt. I’ve heard that balance transfers are really good and I do like the idea of only having to pay my monthly amount once rather than several different ones spread across different accounts.

Any advice at all would be great! Thanks so much!