Just finished NCLEX


Okay, so as promised I just finished the NCLEX and here’s my thoughts. Everyone talks about safety safety safety and of course that’s important but CONTENT definitely helped me through that exam. I honestly feel like if it hadn’t been for the thorough studying I would have been guessing for majority of the test.

My test stopped at 85, like screen just went blank! My heart dropped. So I either did really good or bad- only time will tell.

Now i don’t know if I passed yet or not, but I feel oddly calm?? LOL. Will update !

One thing I will say is GET BOOTCAMP! Test mirrors that format to the T, it literally felt like I was taking one of those exams. Archer was definitely used, but I feel like bootcamp was harder and challenged me more. I used bootcamp to reinforce the body system that I had studied for the day. For example: if I did GI, I would do only GI question on bootcamp.I feel like that was extremely helpful!

For content I used and LOVED simple nursing. Now I didn’t use the lecture series because he’s literally just blabbing for hours with no visuals. I did a system by system study of his videos on his website. And also I didn’t pay for it - just use several emails and keep your tabs open on the trials *shhh

AGAIN- will update with if I passed or not and am always open to questions! I’m just happy it’s over and that I bumped it up a week!