FF XVI is (very) disappointing
I'm halfway (43%) thru it after 15 or so hours and it's getting harder and harder for me to go on. Now I absolutely loved and adored XV when I played it years ago, even got a plat. It was so fun, I loved the open world, world design, missions, the story, the characters, the music... I don't like any of those in XVI. Even the music which I've seen being praised everywhere doesn't do anything for me, I can't remember a single tune. The whole game is now on rails running through corridors for hours upon hours like I'm playing fuckin XIII again which at least had some memorable music among other things. The story doesn't do anything for me, I don't like the whole GoT vibe and I've began to mostly skip the cutscenes as they can drag for far too long, it sometimes feels like I'm playing a fuckin Kojima game with how long and frequent they are.
Now the combat is pretty good, it's flashy af but still fun. It's easier than XV and I'm fine with it. The boss battles are epic as always, nothing new here. And... I struggle to think of anything else what I like. Even the graphics I think were better in XV, definitely more vibrant. XVI always trying to look grim and dark.
So yeah.. but I'll still finish this game even tho it bores me to tears sometimes. Just for the sake of it
I know some of you loved it and that's totally OK. I'm more interested in opinions from people who loved XV