R6890 & Tilmetamine report
I received 5g of r6890 (spirochlorphine) And tilmetamine (methyl... legal version of tiletamine) I have a high tolerance I used isopyne for several days. Then I slept on cychlorphine for a week and so I don't wish you all to use my dosages. But I didn't use cychlorphine for 3 days and I felt a slight warmth from 30mg and I don't think it would be smart for someone with a low tolerance would be cool to dose 30. Bc I waited 3 more days and dosed 20mg piles every 2 hours till I felt it and I dosed 3- 20mg piles and I kept nodding out some during a conversation. Then I almost peed my pants bc I was blacked out. But I found it to be sedating and a little warmth but not the awesomeness that is described in old duchess posts. It only lasts about 6 hrs and if you do fatty or stronger you won't really enjoy this much. But I took tilmetamine and you trip pretty hard. I like 2fdck better and true ket better but tilmetamine is getting a bad wrap I truly enjoyed it. It's like a colder dck. But by no means is trash. Especially since it's hard to find a good disso it's especially tricky to find one that's useful. I found tiletamine to be essentially dck without the underwater feeling to it it lasts the same basically.. tilmetamine isn't very visual but it's a good wonky feeling for 4 hrs! What's so bad about this??