Metroid Prime 4 and Pokémon ZA won't have Switch 2 versions

Don't want to be a downer if this does become true, but I honestly can't see these two games getting switch 2 versions. Especially factoring in backwards compatibility being a thing.

When it come to ZA, gamefreak is pretty late when it comes to moving to the next console, and they have released mainline games for an old console when the new one is already out (B2W2 on the DS while 3ds was out, USUM on the 3ds while switch is already out)

As for prime 4, I know a lot of people want to see it on the switch 2, but there's no good reason to even put it. Unlike botw which was releasing on a failed console, and needed a separate version cause no bc with switch, none of those factors are affecting prime 4 at all. I can be wrong of course in the end on both counts, but I also should warn to keep expectations in check. After all, we are dealing with the king of left fields over here.

Edit: Also want to add, Nintendo has stated that switch sales will not be affected when the switch 2 is out. How is that possible? Cause prime 4 and ZA are going to be switch exclusive only, pushing sales for that system while switch 2 is either out, or yet to release