I think I'm going back to strictly handheld gaming.

Wondering whom is in the same boat as I. Mid 30s Wife and kids (2yo and 4yo). Grew up with N64, PS1 and Gameboy. Stayed with consoles after the GBA and last games were Fire Red, Advance wards, and Fire Emblem. My wife and I have become casual gamers, and with the tv usually off or on the kids shows during there tv time we just don't spend a huge amount of time in front of the TV. It's so easy to just pick up the switch play and just put it down. The switch has become a great alternative. We both have OLED consoles and we both have Animal Crossing, Skyrim and we solo copies of Mario RPG, Mario Odyssey(Currently Playing), BOTW (Just beat it), Advance Wars remake.

I have a XBOX S solely for College Football 25 which has been fun, but it's just not the same anymore to me. I've grown out of being a football fan in the current state of college athletics.

Thinking about selling my series S to expand our OLED library. I want TOTK and we both want Mario Kart and Smash brothers. anything else we should look into. Want to get the Final Fantasy 7 and 8 remastered and Stardew valley.

I would pay stupid money if they would bring the old Wrestling games from N64 to switch lol.