Guide to most of the endings and achivments


  1. Monetization you can get by reaching 100,000 followers
  2. Milestone is achieved when you reach 1 million followers
  3. Overdosed is achieved when you take more than 2 pills
  4. Cut Wrists is achieved when stress reaches 80 and Ame will start to hurt herself
  5. Smoked Grass is achieved when you smoke magic grass which unlocks when mental darkness is equal to 60
  6. Took Physchedelics is achieved when you use magic paper which unlocks at mental darkness 80


  1. The Flatline ending automatically happens whenever you ignore Ame's direct messages 5 times. This triggers immediately.
  2. Nymphomania ending happens when you have *** with Ame more than 5 times. This triggers immediately
  3. So Close Yet So Far is triggered when you have less than 10k followers by day 11
  4. Normie Life happens when the mental darkness meter is kept at 0 for a couple days
  5. Ground Control to Psychoelectric Angel triggers when the affection meter reaches 100. This happens immediately
  6. The Cucked ending happens when the affection meter reached 0. This happens immediately as well
  7. The Fallen Angel ending is achieved when you complete Sexy Stream 5
  8. The Painful Future ending is achieved when you complete Breakdown stream 5
  9. The Welcome To My Religion ending is achieved when you complete Conspiracy Theories stream 5.
  10. The Blazing Hell ending happens randomly when Ame's mental darkness is above 60. She will randomly text you asking you to buy charcoal then reply "Okay".
  11. The Bomber girl ending requires you to get stress to 80 where Ame will start to cut herself then you'll need to let the stress meter reach 100. After that the stress meter will increase capacity to 120 which you'll have to reach aswell. Then you should get the ending
  12. To get the INTERNET OVERDOSE ending you'll need to get her stress to 80 where Ame cuts herself then you need to get Ame's stress level to 100 at the start of day 25 to trigger this ending. (This ending is really messed up)
  13. Rainbow Girl is triggered when you use magic paper 4 times on 4 different days untill your desktop has 4 different logs on it. Then use the magic paper one final time to trigger this ending
  14. To get the Nerdy Girl Overload ending you'll need to have more than 500k followers but less than 1 million followers and affection under 80 on day 30 to get this ending.
  15. The Utopian Parody happens on day 30 when you have more than 500k followers but not 1 million and affection is above 80.
  16. The There Are No Angels ending happens on day 30 when you have less than 500k followers, affection is under 60, and mental darkness is above 60.
  17. The Labor is evil ending happens on day 30 when you have less than 500k followers, have affection above 60, and mental darkness below 60
  18. The Needy Girl Overdose ending happens on day 30 when you have less than 500k followers and have both mental darkness and affection above 60
  19. The Catastrophe ending happens on day 30 when you have less than 500k followers and have both mental darkness and affection under 60
  20. The Do You Love Me? ending triggers on day 30 when you have more than 1 million followers and have affection and mental darkness above 80 then finish the 1 million followers stream and you will get this ending.
  21. The (Un)happy End World ending triggers on day 30 when you have more than 1 million followers, have affection above 80 and mental darkness below 80. Finish the 1 million followers stream and you'll get this ending
  22. The Happy End World ending requires everything needed for the (Un)happy End World but you will need to cut off your actual computer's internet connection to get the ending. (You don't need to turn the internet connection back on to get the achivment while it's happening)
  23. To get the SMT ending have mental darkness above 80. Every time you end a night and move to the next day, the game rolls a number between 0 - 100. When you roll 66, you unlock this achievement. This is just pure RNG with a 1% chance of happening during the beginning of a day.

The preferred method seems to be using drugs like magic grass at 100 mental darkness every night until the ending triggers. If the achievement fails to trigger before you reach day 30, you can just go back on your save and repeat all the days again.

24.Comment te dire adieu After unlocking all the other endings, a new save slot will appear in your save file menu. Upon starting the save, you will enter the true ending. The game will play itself automatically until the end. Then you can close all the windows to read secret.txt

If you have any questions let me know

Credit to this steam guide for finding the SMT ending and Comment te dire adieu