G903 Alternative?
I need to replace my 5 year old G900 and the only option I see is the 4 year old G903. I primarily use my mouse with my left hand.
Given the weight + the age of the G903 Lightspeed, I'm not super happy about spending $90 on it.
Can anyone recommend a good truly ambidextrous alternative? One that's lighter weight? I'd like to be able to at least not have the buttons on the left side - I'd prefer none there rather than ones I can't use with my left hand.
This mouse shape is comfortable for me + DPI buttons etc is convenient.
Any recommendations welcome! Just don't want to constantly have my hand resting over 2 buttons on the left side that I can't use/just getting in the way.
Or should I just send it on the G903 given the lack of options? I love it - it's just old, heavy compared to todays mice and expensive. If they had an updated version I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
I've been researching this for ages and I've come up empty for good options so I'm thinking just get the G903 but I'd like more options. Sucks being a lefty (and it's only for mice with me), wish they still made the DA for lefties - nothing ergonomic on the market..