Tell me about your unicorn babies

ETA: Wow! I'm so glad this post resonated with so many people! Thanks everyone for giving me some awesome positive things to read! I didn't brag on my baby but he's a little unicorn too 🦄 It seriously makes me feel good to know that having a good baby is not that uncommon!! I've spent his whole babyhood waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I'm serious. Brag it up. Tell me about your baby who has slept through the night from the hospital, tell me about your baby who walked at 8 months, tell me how great your kid is.

I scroll through reddit and I see posts about bad baby sleep, bad baby eating, illnesses. Totally get the need for negative posts-I've made lots myself. But it gets depressing. When my life isn't hard it feels wrong. When my baby sleeps through the night I feel crazy, because all I see are people having the opposite experience.

And I feel like there's no space to brag on your baby. So go ahead. Gloat. I want to read about your 0 problems kid.