Sales are dead

I actually sold more when there were no seller's fees. Now that they keep screwing with the terms and conditions, I'm getting less and less sales. I'm still averaging 4 to 5 a week, but lately things have really slowed down and people are just "liking" my items without pulling the trigger. It's very frustrating. Plus has anyone had mercari yank one of your items because they say it is against the rules, but then you find dozens of examples of people selling the same thing and macari lets them sell it? For example I was selling a small pocket knife that was part of Jimmy Carter's election campaign. So it's quite old, and they took down the post, but there are literally a couple of other of the exact same knives, and a couple have sold. This also happened with a full box of Wheaties cereal with a championship NFL team on it, but they are allowing other people to sell the exact same thing. They say because the box is full of cereal it violates their terms, but there are other people selling full boxes... You can tell from the photos that the boxes are still sealed. I wish they were more consistent with their enforcement. I will continue to sell on mercari because I like the simplicity of the platform, but some of their rules are super frustrating and like I said my sales have really slowed down and I'm not sure what to do, I rely on mercari for extra income. Any thoughts?