Pregnancy Question
Hi all! Using a throwaway because I’m slightly embearassed to talk about my sex life online.
My wife and I have been together for 4 years and we want to have a baby. However, we’re a little nervous about doing IVF and she always says that just going to a doctor takes the intimacy out of it, which I kind of agree.
I’ve heard (maybe it was just online, can’t exactly remember) that it’s possible to get donor sperm, put it one of those “ejaculating strapons” (which we already have) and get pregnant that way. We both agree that we would much rather get pregnant that way that going to the doctor.
But is this even possible? Can you just like, get sperm from a sperm bank? Has anyone ever tried this?
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but both of us are just ready to start a family and want to do it on OUR terms!
Thank you :)