Just wanted to add…

I’m seeing so many people post about how brutal the exam was, and I remember reading posts like this and automatically thinking I would fail and it spiking my anxiety.

Just keep in mind,

  1. You may get a different exam entirely for tomorrow (they don’t always use the same versions for every day).
  2. People tend to post more when they feel it went very well or very poorly. Tons of test takers are not posting at all. As someone who has taken every PT from 60-present, and scores in the 165-172 range (w/ few outliers) this wasn’t anything completely crazy. Of the 3 exams I’ve sat for, this actually felt instrumentally easier than the other two I took. Thats not to say by any means this exam wasn’t hard - maybe this version just played to my personal strengths, or things just clicked better this time, and hell, maybe I did poorly - but the overall point is to trust the work you’ve put in!
  3. Make sure you eat well before the exam and bring snacks for your break.

Goodluck 🥳🤩