Bruford and Fripp, Bruford and the audience, Bruford and the beat
The screenshot is taken from Bill Bruford's webpage. Does anyone have access to the article that it mentions?
Robert Fripp seems to take a pretty nuanced view on Bruford's drumming, Bruford and he having, as he put it, "irritated the shit out of each other for 25 years". Did they collaborate for that long in spite of or because of having such different taste? Is there anything/anyone that you find both stimulating and completely infuriating when it comes to your own art/sports/other work?
Regardless of Fripp's opinion, Bruford seems to be a fan favorite among all of King Crimson's drummers, reviews of his works commonly including phrases such as "jazz chops", "polyrhythmic parts", "distinctive snare sound", and "wasn't it great when he played nothing at all in Trio?" What precisely do you all like so much about Bruford? What are your favorite Bruford parts? Are other prog drummers underappreciated?