Starting league as jungler
Hi, I’m new to League and would love your advice!
I switched to jungle after trying top and instantly fell in love. My main is Hecarim. I love his speed, no skillshots, high damage, and decent hp (plus my Q key already hates me after playing Garen so nothing to lose here)
What champ would you recommend? So far I tried: Warwick: Liked him at first, but after Q, there are only auto or ult for damage Nunu: he's really cute, but I can't solo carry Lillia: Couldn’t land E for life Kindred: easily punishable and didn't vibe with her Kayn: Haven’t played much yet, but he might become a favorite. I prefer champs with mobility, few to no skillshots, and carry potential.
Also, any good beginner-friendly guides? Most I’ve found are about advanced concepts like macro, but I’m still learning the basics—items, ganking, jungle monster buffs, etc.
If you’d like to play and show me stuff / guide me, feel free to DM me :D