breaking my silence
TW: mentions of the holocaust, swastikas, and camps
so i go to public school and a few people know im jewish, we're currently learning about the holocaust in lang arts because we're reading maus and i know alot on this topic (obvouis reasons) and last year in 7th grade there was and incedent where some boys thought it would be funny to draw a swastika and give it to me, this week has been hell for me cause people in my class think its so funny to heil hitler and make fun of me for being jewish. yesterday in class some boys said they we're going to put me into a concentration camp and at first i didnt hear it i just heard my name and my best friend looked pissed, i asked her what was wrong and she told me what they said i just broke down then and there my boyfriend was pissed and wanted to kill them. today idk who did it but someone put a note on my desk with swastikas and slurs all over it.
idk what to do theres been such a huge spike in antisemitism in my school especially with the dudes at my school. (ps idk if a put the right trigger warnings i hope i did)