Awkwardgoat's views on the Atul Subash case is insensitive in my opinion.

I hope you are all aware of the Atul Subash case where committed suicide due to the mental torture he was subjected to because of his wife.

Divija Bhasin, a therapist cum instagram influencer talks about how (I'm paraphrasing) "Patriarchy is the reason such unfair laws exist and if everyone starts supporting / treating women equally as men, then there won't be a need for such biased laws in the first place" - this is what I understand from the reel.

To me, this feels incredibly insensitive. A woman had misused the laws that were written in her favour to indirectly kill a man and this therapist's response / reasoning is to abolish patriarch or start treating women as equal so that these laws will not be put in place. Her reasoning is to blame men for the patriarchy which was the cause for these laws.

I don't even disagree with what she's saying, patriarchy should be abolished and I'm all for feminism but was this the right time to spread this message?

She could have spread awareness on how laws were being misused and how in some instances men are actually being the victims but no, she had to blame men (patriarchy) again in an incident where a man had committed suicide.

What do you guys think?