iOS 17.1 broke location based automations. You too? Any ideas?

Updated all my HomePods and iOS devices to 17.1 and now HomeKit thinks I'm away when I'm home.

Happened at like 2am in the night when my robot vacuum, which is set go and vacuum when the last person leaves, woke us up cleaning the living room - my wife freaked out wondering what the noise was :)

Is it happening to you too? Everything has been rock solid since Apple fixed their awful upgraded architecture update - and now I'm back here with another broken update.

UPDATE: Ok so this is that pretty common issue people are having with where HomeKit thinks there home is, showing it in an incorrect spot.

It seems this has been a problem for people for a while but only showed up for me in the last day. When I check a home automation that uses location is set my home location about 500m away even though its correct in contacts.

I found a fix for now. Will let you know how long it lasts. But for anyone else:

Privacy > location > system > significant locations Clear history. Reboot phone. Go back to Home and open automations that use your home locations and check where it thinks home is, mine fixed itself.

BUT! Now thats its fixed I restarted the home hub that was being used, and it switched to another home hub in my house. As soon as it did it thinks I'm not home again so definitely something to do with the address storing on the home hub. Did the fix above again and it worked again.

UPDATE 2: Ok everything broke again so I tried suggestion in comments. Can confirm the following also works as a fix; 1. Leave all homehubs on 2. Shut off all wifi in my house so everything disconnected from network 3. Turn all wifi on and homehubs and devices will connect 4. Wait a few minutes and it seems to fix itself (for now)