Some information for the new visitors brought here by Hilaria Baldwin’s continuing Spanish grift

With her randomly occurring accent and her continuing to forget the English words for produce, Hilaria Baldwin is reigniting interest in her Spanish grift and also bringing in new people who are hearing about her for the very first time.

So, you might be wondering, who is this woman and exactly how much of her background is she really fudging? Well, here’s the Pepinopedia breakdown of her Spanish grift:

Alec Baldwin’s wife, Hilaria Baldwin, née Hilary Lynn Hayward-Thomas, was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, to American parents, Kathy and Dave. Both Kathy and Dave have work bios showing they were exclusively employed in Boston for the entirety of their careers. They retired to the expat community in Mallorca, Spain, when Hilary was almost thirty years old. Hilary moved to New York from her native Boston. She has never lived outside of these two places.

Despite Hilary’s claims of being raised back and forth between Boston and Spain, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support this. In fact, every bit of evidence that has emerged suggests she was raised entirely in Boston. Neighbors, classmates, teachers, and Hilary’s own family members have confirmed she resided only in Boston through high school, after which she moved to New York.

Hilary has on multiple occasions stated that her native language is Spanish, despite her inability to speak it fluently. As she was born in an English speaking country, attended only English speaking schools, and lived with an English speaking family, it can be concluded that her native and primary language is in fact English.

After it was discovered that Hilary fabricated her Spanish background, she blamed others for mislabeling her Spanish. This, in spite of various tweets, articles, and interviews where both Hilary herself and Alec have either outright lied or inferred that she was from Spain or of Spanish heritage. Hilary’s own cousins and father have also made clear that she is in no way Spanish.

Many people have spoken out about the harm that Hilary’s Spanish Grift has caused. With dyed black hair and artificially tanned skin, she presented herself as some super fertile, spicy, exotic, Latina/Spanish hybrid. She made a mockery of Spanish culture in her wedding to Alec, where in a Catholic church in front of a Catholic priest, the Episcopalian-raised Hilary, wore a Spanish mantilla, carried a Spanish fan, and recited parts of her vows in Spanish, all while under the pretense of being a Spanish woman. She reduced an entire race and culture to a costume that she could put on whenever it suited her. To further her Spanish charade, she gave each of her children over the top, telenovela Spanishy names. She justified it by saying she named them after important people in her life. In a way she did, except grandmother Kathy’s namesake is Catalina and great-grandmother Irene was honored with an Irena.

Masquerading as a Spanish woman enabled Hilary to steal opportunities from real Hispanic women. She appeared numerous times on the cover of Hola magazine, was featured in television segments intended to promote Latinos, and was made a contributing writer for Glam Belleza Latina, a subsidiary of Glamour magazine which was targeted to Hispanic women.

Hilary and Alec were both criticized after the Spanish grift came to light and Hilary lost every single one of her paid sponsorships. But after a brief cooling off period, Hilary has decided that she is once again entitled to wear her offensive costume. Now with the Spanish Grift 2.0 in full swing, Hilary is leaning harder into her demeaning, racist caricature and perpetuating her degrading Hispanic/Latin stereotypes with full force.

Edit 1: Prior to Hilary’s grift being found out, her own public relations firm at the time, CAA, had been reporting Hilary as being born in Mallorca, Spain. Shortly after the Spanish lie was revealed, this information was scrubbed from CAA’s website, and then just after that, she dropped or was dropped by CAA.

(Thanks to princesspool for reminding me of this very important fact showing the lie was very intentionally done to mislead people about Hilary’s Spanish origins).

Edit 2: Because there’s been discussions about race versus ethnicity. I got this from Merriam-Webster for clarification: “Today, race refers to a group sharing some outward physical characteristics and some commonalities of culture and history. Ethnicity refers to markers acquired from the group with which one shares cultural, traditional, and familial bonds.”