Constant flare-ups
I’ve been having an almost constant flare-up in one armpit for the last few months. When I say constant, I mean there’s maybe 3 days in between each flare where I’m not in pain or feel any lumps/have any sores or redness etc. but then it happens again and it’s agony.
I’m just wondering if anyone has tried anything during or between flare ups that has delayed or prevented it from happening so often? Or things to soothe while it’s happening?
I’ve been using hibiscrub and dermol since getting diagnosed about 5 years ago, and have obviously had antibiotics a few times but I told them I didn’t want to have to get them for every flare up, as I’d be constantly taking antibiotics and they’d stop working eventually. Doctors appointments are hard to get atm and I have a few other medical issues I have to sort first so I haven’t been back recently about this, but I will make an appt for it too.
Any and all suggestions welcome, being in agony and feeling super self conscious and depressed about my very sore, scarred left armpit.