1 Year Hr HPV Retest Upcoming.

Title says it all…

My 1 year re-check is this week.

Feeling really overwhelmed, overstimulated, and anxious.

It’s probably going to trigger the F out of me, and bring back all the feelings from finding out for the first time last year. It feels like I been through 100 years since then, and it’s literally only been 1 year.

I feel like my life has been stolen from me since that day. Idk how to feel. Even if it is negative… then what? I still have it inside of me. I am just really upset at my current life right now, and to have to on top of everything process and deal with the HPV stuff constantly is so beyond draining.

I sometimes just never want to ever go back to the doctors, and just ignore it. And sometimes, I really wish I just had never had the test and remained uniformed.

Am I really going to have to live the REST of my life like this? Ugh. Guess I’ll try remain hopeful for good news. Idk, man this is just too much. What comes next for my life? How do you really & truly ever move on?