Should I learn German or French?

Hello! My first languages are english and portuguese (I learned them both at the same time at a very young age) and I just came back from Paris for the second time and absolutely loved it (again). I’m an immigrant from Canada and am living in Italy right now so I’m learning italian but I don’t really like it here and want to move to another country in Europe.

I know I already love France and its lovely people but I have a feeling I’d love Germany too (never been there though). My best friend is German and what he says about Germany (even the bad things) sounds like it’s much better than Italy and on par with France.

I want to move to either country (possibly both in the future) but really don’t know which one. I want to start with the language first though because I did the opposite in Italy and regret it.

So countries aside, which language do you personally recommend I learn first?