How to replace food addiction
I have this habit of snacking on something or ordering food whenever I’m bored or when I am stressed. I know this is extremely unhealthy and I try to control myself but can’t succeed. I feel the need to eat food every now and then and because of being habitual to junk food so much I tend to order more junk food.
It’s almost like when I think about junk food I feel guilty and even after eating the food I feel like I should not have but while ordering the food my sense of self control goes numb. So I was thinking maybe if I replace this eating addiction with something else I might start to be healthy
For reference I’m 23F, 5’8, 80kgs. It was my one goal since January to go back to 65kgs that I used to be before covid but everyday I fail. I also have hypothyroid so low motivation and low metabolism don’t help. I joined cult in March and it’s been 100+ classes but I see no progress. I think I’m self sabotaging my weight loss and can’t seem to stop being unhealthy.
It’s more of a rant on myself actually because I know the basic rules of weight loss - eat more protein less carbs, burn more calories than you consume, exercise everyday and many more
It’s already September I couldn’t achieve the one goal I set to for the year. “If I start now maybe I can get it done by the year end” - That’s what I tell myself everyday ahhhhh