packet loss, slight ping spikes

For 5-6 months now since the fall, I'm getting crazy packet loss. It's wildly inconsistent. No packet loss for 20 minutes, maybe drop 10% for 2-3 seconds, then go back to no packet loss for another few min, then wham, 70-100% packet loss for 2 straight minutes. Lose connection to meetings, discord, games, remote access etc.

from what I can tell its something with Verizon's east coast backbone (

when I run a tracert, its what gives me all sorts of dropped packets, best viewed in UOTrace where you can ping like 500 times a second.

anyway, anyone have any pointers for exactly how to word my interaction with Verizon tech support? One time I got their India team and they actually were gonna send a tech to check out my local box at the curb/telephone pole cause they were seeing some issues with it. But then a few minutes later a supervisor called back to say they weren't gonna send someone (costs more money than they deem worth it I assume). Haven't been able to get someone with any technical knowhow since.

thank you in advance for any help, appreciate it