3 Years in Recovery

I passed 3 years clean and sober on August 29th (also my bday) this year. Things have been better than I ever could've imagined. I went back to school and got my associates with a 3.9 GPA. Going to go back to get my bachelors here soon. I have gotten my qualifications to become a Radiation Protection Tech and make more than enough money to be comfortable. More than any of that, though, I have become closer with my family and friends that I ever have before. Things do get better. It's a slow process, but it is 100000% worth it. I used to beat myself up all the time and throw out the "i wish i never touched any of that" or "i cant believe i did this to myself" and it never did any good. Forgive yourself! It will only keep you back from your full potential. It's a huge weight off of your shoulders. I love each and every one of you and keep up the good fight. It is worth it. I promise you.