What am I doing wrong?

Been playing for 2 weeks now. about 50-60 hours in and I only just hit level 7. Flame level 3. I feel confused by quests and what I am supposed to be doing. I stopped doing MSQ and starting doing survivor quests to unlock better weapons and armour but then it took me to level 11 areas when I was only level 7 so I stopped. I also find traversing EXTREMELY frustrating as places are always ABOVE. Especially in the shroud.

Though I recently found a "cheat" to take 600 blocks with me and if I get stuck down and cant find a way up just to build my way up pn 2 blocks and jump block to block as I build. Then when I finish that area I go back to the block and unbuild so I don't lose materials.

Any helps on leveling up or XP grinding would be awesome. Thanks =)

See you in the shroud