In love with détraquée and desperately need other works that share these aspects

Calling out anyone kind that can help out a girl utterly lost in the world of Dramione fanfics!

Things I've enjoyed (loved) that am looking for in other fanfics:

  • the usual: Intellectual match and banter
  • Organic social life (the world isn't just them and an assigned friend or two each; we see Hermione meeting new people that become reoccurring characters, Hogwarts alumni stay in touch, workplace friends, etc. I think this adds a lot of quality and is an aspect of effort in a story).
  • Seeing her mend her relationship with her parents. (and additionally seeing Draco interact with them)
  • Intertwining the muggle word - whether with light aspects - media, social life, or science relevant to the plot
  • Acting their age!! After being child soldiers they belong at the club
  • yearning!!! Push and pull!! Obvious to each other and denying awfully the attraction! Furrowed brows and scowls at themselves for not being able to push away the feelings!!
  • Having a concise plot without taking away their casual development - having both Hermione fighting in the ministry and eating takeout with Draco was something I didn't know I could have; I thought I'd either have the romcom-y slice of life settings or a plot that branched out the world and here I got both
  • Realistic development. I don't want them hooking up on chapter 10 after being sworn enemies
  • Post war. If someone swears on its quality I can be persuaded but I'm simply not into reading romance about 16/17 yo no matter the cinematic universe
  • Harry and Ron are normal people but they love her cinematic universe (this means they can say nasty things and make mistakes BUT they eventually accept it and grow up)

Basically any fanfic that has this aspects and is long (100k+). Additionally I'm also taking recs for fanfics full of jealous scenes because that's my weak spot lol.

From what I've read, remain nameless and bat mobile were my favourites. Here's the ones I have on my tbr:

Bending Light (Work) by scullymurphy Fools for Lesser Things (Work) by HeyJude19 From Wiltshire, With Love (Work) by MistressLynn Isolation (Work) by bexchan Manacled (Work) by senlinyu Measure Of A Man (Work) by inadaze22 Secrets and Masks (Work) by Emerald_Slytherin Seek and Find (Work) by serpent_and_sage The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy (Work) by speechwriter The Right Thing To Do (Work) by LovesBitca8 Wait and Hope (Work) by mightbewriting

(I'll get to the darker works on this list eventually but not feeling it right now ahah)

Any help is truly appreciated!!