I am IN LOVE with the neon star platform boots, I got these size 5’s for a rather pricey yet worthy cost but its all worth it for these beautiful ass shoes, THEY WERE SO HARD TO FIND. I’M SO HAPPY. At first I was reasonably skeptical on whether they were real or fake but I took the risk to purchase them at around £217 and oh my god I teared up when I first put them on. I have been BLESSED by the upper Gods to even get a chance to wear these limited edition beauties I thought i’d never wear but here I am bawling my eyes out at how magnificent they look. My apologies for this sporadic burst of excitement but I had to share. 😁😁😁
Aside from all that, how do I care for this type of leather? I think it’s sendal or something? It’s quite different from the other docs I own. I have a wonder balsam and an ultra protector but im worried I may damage these on accident with my limited knowledge. Hell, i’m too scared to even go outside with them, considering i’ll probably never see these online in size 5 again, in the UK. Or perhaps im being overly-dramatic. But yay i’m just so happy right now!