After 3 years..

Got the game from hundle bundle back in 2022. Thought the game was fun and the music was insane! Stopped playing when I reached Exultia (hurt me plenty) because it was too tiring and youtubers overwhelmed me with their speedrun techs and quick swap combos. After the announcement of The Dark Ages, I locked in to finish the game and tried to achieve the ultimate gold skin reward! 2 years ago I thought this was near impossible.

I restarted the game on the first level on the easiest difficulty all the way to UN. Changed my bindings. Started memorizing some combos until they became habits. (Pb rockets, pb sticky, ssg balista, pb balista and then incorporated them with meat hooks and chainsaws) All of this in 2 and a half months. Along the way, I started to enjoy more of the chaos that was presented to me in the game. Maybe it’s my ADHD?

Sharing my bindings in case it would be of any help. ESDF = Movement Q = combat shotgun Z = super shotgun A = rocket 3 = plasma rifle Left ctrl = chaingun Capslock = BFG Side mouse button 1 = pb Side mouse button 2 = balista T = nade G = change nade type R = flame belch Scroll wheel up = glory kill / blood punch Scroll wheel down = chainsaw Feel free to critique my bindings, I’m no pro. Just a regular guy trying to make things work for my brain.

I want to consider myself as a fan of the game because of Eternal but I feel like I don’t deserve to be because I never played the classic doom games. Eternal is my introduction to this franchise.

I really appreciate and love Doom Eternal so much.

I will re-do more UN runs because it’s fun and want to really feel that I deserve that gold skin. To be completely honest, on my third UN run I decided to equip saving throw rune and alt f4 when it triggered during the final encounter right before the icon of sin because I was already getting exhausted.

Also, sorry for weak English vocabulary and grammar. It’s not my first language.