Celestial Ties Promo Shader Giveaway


Giveaway is now OVER :)

u/ReturnOfTheGempire is the lucky Guardian to beat the RNG and get the Shader Code. Congrats!

Hey fellow Guardians of the Destiny Community.

I have 1 code for the D2 Celestial Ties Promo Shader.

It expires on Dec 31, so I'd like to do a giveaway for anyone who may want it.

All you need to do to have a chance of winning is to simply leave a comment.

A winner will be selected on Dec 30 at 5pm GMT.

Will be added here as an Update.

So make sure to have Reddit notifications turned on incase you win as you'll want to redeem the code ASAP.

Confirmation of Redemption would also be nice.

Good Luck Guardians!