she told me i should “just stop thinking abt it”

been feelin kinda stuck lately, so was ventin to a friend on insta abt how it sucks bein the one who always wants more intimacy in a relationship. he was real supportive, said he’s been there too, n it felt good to actually talk to someone who gets it.

so last night i tried talkin to my gf abt it. told her straight up that i miss feelin close to her, that it hurts when i feel unwanted. wasn’t accusin, wasn’t angry, just tryin to be honest. u know what she said? “maybe u should just stop thinkin abt it so much.”

like… what?? if it was that easy don’t u think i would’ve done it by now? n how am i supposed to “not think abt it” when i go to bed next to someone i love, but i feel like a roommate instead of a partner??

idk, maybe i’m overreactin, but that response felt like a slap in the face. hbu, wud u just drop it or keep tryna talk abt it?