Student Loans or Savings? Wedding, Moving Plans
Hi everyone, I’ve been trying to budget and find ways to take care of myself over the last year.
I only have 1,300 in a HYSA emergency account. I have bills that equal around 2800 a month with income around 3200. I had some wiggle room before with savings.
However my student loans began this month. I have been looking in different plans but everything is on hold right now because of the government. I only graduated this past Summer with my Masters in teaching. My total monthly for student loans would be what I was putting towards savings. A total of $400/months for federal loans equalling 36k.
I am confused how to proceed. I am 27f. I may be engaged/married in the next few years (1.5-2years). Plan was to move back on home after lease is over in September to pay off loans. Not living with bf until married and come from a traditional family. The fact I lived alone for two years was a hurdle of independence. The place I live has some crime and has made me nervous to be alone as a young woman.
I need advice moving forward on what to prioritize.