Are there any other DCC subreddits?

I’m not even specifically looking for a “snark” subreddit, but it seems this sub was chock full of diehard DCC supporters—who also seem big mad that there’s been an influx of folks after the Netflix doc came out—and I honestly don’t care when people disagree with me, I think it’s healthy and makes for a good dialogue when there are differing POVs.

But among all the level headed posts/comments on both sides of various topics, I’ve been noticing about 25% being diehard DCC supporters who comment back with flippant, rude, often insulting or weirdly fat-shaming comments (ie. “haha I love idiots who sit behind a computer eating pizza criticizing something they don’t even understand. Leave our sisterhood alone and go talk a walk” kind of shit)

I get it, anything that’s controversial will have some ride or die folks, but it’s honestly hard to try to have any kind of discussion on here without slews of shitty, insulting comments gumming up the whole convo.

Is there another sub without the rampant toxicity?? I think it’d be a good thing for level-headed supporters AND detractors, and I’m not sure if I’m just not searching the correct terms to find it or if another one just doesn’t exist??