Opened an Amex Business Gold card with $15k spend in 3 months which I cannot possibly reach
Hey everyone, I got the Amex Business gold card with a sub of $15k spend in 3 months plus a 6 month 0% apr. I was in pop up jail and couldn't get the platinum sub for months so I got frustrated and applied for the business gold and got approved instantly. But now the problem is, there is no way I can spend that much money. I can pay it off if I do spend, I habe $6k in savings and $10k in investments plus I earn $5k net in a month so paying it back isn't the problem, but spending $15k in 3 months is the problem.
I was thinking a lot and got these possible ways to use it though, let me know of I should do any of these:
1) Ask my company's CFO or my Manager (VP) to put company spend on it and just reimburse me (This is probably the best way because I won't have to spend any of my money, but I joined this job just a month back so idk if it'll put a bad impression)
2) Ask my family and friends to just use the card for all their expenses and just give me the money back (A little risky because my friends might not return the money they spend.)
3) My long distance girlfriend of 4 years is coming to visit me in Nov, and I'm booking her tickets so I could just book business class tickets instead and also maybe just take the next step, I have been wanting to ask her to marry me but because we are long distance, its just been hard and we will be moving in together in a year so I always thought I will do it then, but maybe I could just buy her a ring and make a beautiful setting for the proposal etc. (Probably the best way to spend it for myself and my future)