[Recruiting] The New | #2GVUL9PUJ | Clan Lv 12 | TH11+ | Casual | Clan War | Max Clan Games
We are The New, a casual, English-speaking clan. We have a friendly and welcoming environment. No toxicity or immaturity allowed. Rusher friendly and currently getting our clan capital to lv 10.
We do regulars wars pretty much on cooldown, just need to opt in. Same with CWL. We put in anyone that wants to participate so they can get their 8 trophies.
We have 2 rules:
- 1 week Inactive = Kick
- If you opt-in for wars, you must attack
What we offer:
- 41/50 Members
- Max Clan Games
- No Donation Ratios
- Raid Weekends: Capital Peak lv 8
- Back-to-Back Clan Wars (Heroes not required)
- CWL: Crystal 3 (Heroes MANDATORY)
Join us here: https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2GVUL9PUJ