Scrupulosity? and sins
I gave the post some more general title even though I want to concentrate on the sin of gluttony, because I would like to ask you some other things.
So generally, I think I am/was scrupulous, I generally had problems like, "I shouldn't eat now, I am not hungry" (when it comes to eating breakfast, or a dinner(lunch) at 2 o'clock. And I was waiting for my stomach, to give me a clear sign, that I am allowed to i.e. to feel the hunger. When I was plating me a dinner(lunch), I tried not to plate myself too much to not be gluttonous, then I ate 75%/80% of the dish, and when I was trying to eat the rest I felt extremly condemned for it and most often I was a little bit hungry again after two to three hours, but I was quenching the hunger by dinking tea, cup after cup.
I was afraid to eat a small pack of chips (40 grams) or a baton, or a cookie and anxiety was always kicking in because whenever I ate and I didn't feel the hunger clearly or I was eating outside of theoretical breakfast/dinner(lunch)/supper. It grew so that so I was always tryinng to discern every bite I took. So that, I whenever I was eating, literally between every bite so, I was asking in my mind constantly "Lord can I eat this?, Lord is it okay?" etc expecting clear answer fo be given to me.
I was also feeling extremly condemned because of Romans 14:23, because I was very rarely sure that I can eat a cookie/cake/drink some juice etc, and I mean anykind of food that is eaten mainly for pleasure (i.e. I am not eating a bag of cheaps or whatever for dinner for nourishment.) "But whoever has doubts is condemned if they eat, because their eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin."
And everytime I was reading about the OCD I was always thinking that I can not be rejecting it, because it might be God keeping me in check. But two days ago I just cried to Jesus that I can't do it no longer like that and asked him to heal my soul&mind. The scrupulosity is gone since then, more or less, however now I am afraid that maybe it was a gift/blessing from God to keep me in check so that I wouldn't sin and u know, it would be kinda bad if you said you don't sant the blessing from God :/
And I am thinking like that even now, because I again think that I ate one piece of cinnabon too much on breakfast today(these are my homemade DIY cinnabons they are much smaller that the "original" ones), or that I unneceserly addded nuttella and too much frosting to the cinnabon yesterday or whatever, and I am kinda feeling as if I again commited the sin of gluttony by eating to much, and I am again second-guessing myself thinking, wait maybe the scrupulostiy was given to me to keep me in check, because now I think that these gluttonous actions today and yesterday came too easily...
And the other things I want to ask you are games, what kind of games can a Christian play in order not to endanger the relationship with God, because I just can't play the game where there are mythologies or rts games where you make your own religion(Civilization games).
And I remember long time ago when I was saved by Jesus for the 1st time, I was also understating magic in games or whatnot and saying that these are only pixels, and later due to greed and other things I walked away from God.
So I am kinda lost, what do you think, is it scrupulosity? Or did, or do I have a very strict conscience?
Thanks for answers, God Bless y'all ❤