AITA for refusing to let my fiance's groomsmen bring his gf to our wedding?
I (24f) and my fiance (26m) have been dating for over 5 years and he just proposed to me 6 months ago. We have been planning our wedding, and when we discussed who would be invited, I told him that (let's call her Sam) was not invited regardless of the fact that she is one of his groomsmen's girlfriend. He got upset and told me that would be starting unnecessary drama.
Background of Sam: Her and I became very close friends since her fiance and my fiance are best friends. I started to see her true colors. The way she "shows her love" is by putting other people down. Multiple times she told me how even though I got veneers, my teeth are still messed up, as well as body shaming me or calling me ugly/dumb. I eventually got tired of it, especially when she did it to our other friends and I called her out. All that I said to her was that she needs to stop being so rude to people and commenting on their flaws. She did not like that. She completely flipped out on me by calling me every horrible curse name and acted extremely immature about the situation. I did not give her a response because she simply did not deserve one.
Now that my fiance and I are getting married, she wants to congratulate ME in person, even though when I've seen her at parties with our friend group before, she would completely cut me out of conversations or ignore me. Sam is a very self-absorbed person who only cares about herself. She thinks that the world revolves around her (she even said that quote for quote to me). She has always treated me poorly, even when I tried to be cordial with her after everything.
I should also disclose that she has tried to sabotage our relationship multiple times by telling him that he should break up with me and she would flirt with him not only in front of me but also in front of her OWN boyfriend. My fiance did not flirt back, but he is aware of her rude and immature tendencies, he still does not want to cause any drama within our friend group if she is not invited.
My wedding day is mine, and my fiance's day is mine, and I just do not see her acting nice or somehow making it about her. So, AITA for not wanting her invited?